GOATjp + Heart of Snake live! @ El Paso martedi’ 22 novembre

Informazioni evento

14853144_10154791635979180_771411345148997300_oGOAT (Headz / JP)
quartetto psichedelico / math / altro da Osaka, Japan
Suona come: Nisennenmondai VS Battles VS OSHo4


Koshiro Hino(guitar)
Akihiko Ando(sax)
Tetsushi Nishikawa(drums)
Atsumi Tagami(bass)

Con chitarra sax basso e batteria hanno distrutto la nozione comune di strumento. E’ musica trance nel corpo morto del rock. E’ roba forte.

Guitar, saxophone, bass and drums. Disregarding the musical scale of instruments as much as possible, the band creates songs that consist of noise and muted sounds that are produced when sound is emitted. The trance and fatigue brought about from relentless repetition and
the melody-like sounds that comprise harmonics outside the twelve-tone are both urban and tribal at the same time

Benefit radio blackout: ARIGATO

||||| IN APERTURA |||||
HEART OF SNAKE. psych-folk-blues-avant-classic
Due chitarre faccia a faccia. Composizioni scure, melodie che affiorano e riaffiorano.

Radio Blackout 105.25

One station against the nation

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