Arsider | NO FUTURE | speciale musiche pazze per un mondo pazzo
ARSIDER | IL SUO NOME SIGNIFICA MARTIRE | “Everyday life has sped up, but culture has slowed down. No matter what the causes for this temporal pathology are: music culture is in many ways paradigmatic of the fate of culture under post-Fordist capitalism. At level of form is locked into pastiche and repetitions”
ARSIDER | NO FUTURE | “Everyday life has sped up, but culture has slowed down. No matter what the causes for this temporal pathology are: music culture is in many ways paradigmatic of the fate of culture under post-Fordist capitalism. At level of form is locked into pastiche and repetitions“
ARSIDER | NO FUTURE | "Everyday life has sped up, but culture has slowed down. No matter what the causes for this temporal pathology are: music culture is in many ways paradigmatic of the fate of culture under post-Fordist capitalism. At level of form is locked into pastiche and repetitions"
Gepostet von Radio Blackout 105.250 am Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2018