Resetclub 15 Marzo 2025 Special Guest Mix 404 Data
Nuova puntata di Resetclub divisa in due parti. Nella prima parte le selezioni di Yashin creano la giusta atmosfera sonora per l’ospite di questa puntata. Lo special guest mix di Marzo è affidato al produttore berlinese 404 Data. Giovane dj produttore amante delle macchine analogiche e del campionamento, il suo campo sonoro spazia tra electro, breakbeat, trip-hop e ambient. Le sue produzioni si muovono tra paesaggi sonori introspettivi ed energia rave ad alto voltaggio, formando una narrazione in evoluzione di resistenza underground. Co-fondatore di Fraktion Nimmersatt e della etichetta Synaesthetic Syndicate. Il set è stato registrato in quel di Berlino al KØpi durante la festa benefit per Radioblackout il 31/01/2025
Resetclub. Produttori ascoltati Mrs Jynx CN Automatic Tasty DMX Krew Dawn Razor Stevie Cox Desert Sound Colony Samuel L Session. Label: Central Processing Unit DEXT Recordings Klasse Wrecks Holding Hands Records Cycle
404 Data Dj set KØPI 31/01/2025
404DATA. Biography:
404DATA. aka. Sterioa is a Berlin-based multidisciplinary artist, navigating the intersections of music production, painting, and immersive art installations.—constructing a retro-futuristic world rooted in analog raw expression and D.I.Y culture. Strongly affiliated with old school hip hop and soundsystem culture.
Musically, 404DATA is an analog machine and sampling lover and his sonic field spans across electro, breakbeat, trip-hop & ambient. His productions move between introspective soundscapes and high-voltage rave energy, forming an evolving narrative of underground resistance.
Beyond sound, 404DATA grew up with graffiti. Nowadays his visual work fuses abstract linework with calligraphic symbolism capturing the tension between analog textures and digital distortion. His physical installations exists out of rare materials found in the streets and abandoned buildings while exploring the depths of the city.
As the co-founder of Fraktion Nimmersatt (FNS), 404DATA has been instrumental in reclaiming empty spaces since 2017, and became one of the key persons behind some of the biggest free raves in town nowadays. They transform shortly occupied spaces into platforms for artistic expression, fueling the independent rave culture of Berlin and throughout Europe. In 2020 FNS was running their Open Air club “Brache09” which was running for a short period of time until it got shut down by authorities. Through rave activism, demonstrations, and artistic interventions, the collective champions the liberation of free spaces and the expansion of underground movement.
Currently working on the foundation of Synaesthetic Syndicate (SY.SY), a label and platform dedicated to merging visual and sonic arts, 404DATA continues to push artistic boundaries. SY.SY exists as a transmission from another dimension—where frequencies and visuals converge into immersive realities, breaking through the boundaries of existing formats. SY.SY is expected to be launched in the year of 2025.
404DATA, embodies the transmission of unknown files. A glitch in the system, an encrypted signal of raw artistic energy which is telling the story of an underground movement.